The Slave Archetype

Slave . Puppet


Surrendering your power of choice to the Divine with complete trust.


Giving your willpower to an external authority out of fear of making your own choices

The Slave archetype represents a complete absence of the power of choice and self-authority. Yet it is precisely the absence of will power that gives the Slave its potential for personal transformation.

This act of releasing your will to a higher authority is also witnessed within organizational hierarchies, such as in the military and corporations. One becomes a Slave to the system.

For tens of millions of African Americans, the Slave archetype carries a historical freight that is impossible to overlook.

If Slavery is part of your genetic history, you need to take a close look at the possible presence of the Slave archetype in your intimate family.

Others who may dismiss this archetype as having no role in their life may discover that it is more prevalent than most people imagine, because of its many different expressions.

We don’t think of a soldier armed with weapons as a Slave, yet following orders unconditionally is an aspect of the Slave–especially when these orders personally violate your integrity.

The Puppet, for instance, may be manipulated by others.

The Shadow Aspect

The shadow Slave lacks the power of choice and self-authority, and follows orders that violate one’s integrity.


Do you have a history of becoming a slave to the system, or is slavery part of your genetic history?


Movies with Slave Archetypes

Watching movies related to one of your core archetypes, especially when going through the process of healing is a powerful tool to help you understand yourself (your motivations, your passions, your fears – why you behave the way you do).
