Are You In Love, Or Just Attached?

Relationships that are based on control and unconscious drives and needs are codependent. The main indicator of codependency is focusing more attention on the actions and feelings of another person(s) than you do on yourself, and feeling that you have to control everything that happens. When your thoughts are dominated by what other people are doing, you are not, by definition, centered in your own inner process.

If your energy level fluctuates based on what others do or say, you might be codependent. If you feel like you have to monitor everything and make it work, you might be codependent. When you are struggling to control, you are not allowing the synchronicities of the universe to help you to develop.

~ James Redfield


If you’re unsure about your own relationship motives, take a look at the following list and see where you land on love and attachment.

Are You Being Robbed Of Your Well-Being

Abuse in any form robs a person of their well-being

abuse.....STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!

Psychological/ Emotional Abuse

Psychological/ Emotional abuse is considered the number one worst kind of abuse.

Not many people are aware of this. Most think of abuse as being physical.. and that is where the trap lies. You think if he/ she didn’t hit you then it isn’t abuse. Think again. Emotional abuse causes invisible wounds, but real wounds to your mind, your personality and your spirit. You can loose your potential and your self esteem.

Physical wounds can heal, these wounds take much longer.

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